Queston #19716Note

thalamic nuclei

The ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus is the relay center for sensory information of the body. The output is to the postcentral (sensory) gyrus.

The ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus is the relay center for sensory information of the face as well as taste. The output is to the postcentral (sensory) gyrus. The lateral geniculate body/nucleus (LGN) is the relay center for vision. It receives input from the retina with output to the primary visual cortex via optic radiations. Optic radiations from the upper visual world travel through the temporal lobe and optic radiations from the lower visual world pass through the parietal lobe. The medial geniculate body/nucleus (MGN) is the relay center for hearing. It receives input from the inferior colliculi and projects to the primary auditory cortex. The ventral anterior (VA) nucleus conveys motor information from the basal ganglia to the premotor cortex. It plays a role in the initiation of movement.